SWTOR Fashion
- Alderaan Specialty Goods Vendor
- Balmorra (Empire) Specialty Goods Vendor
- Balmorra (Republic) Specialty Goods Vendor
- Belsavis Specialty Goods Vendor
- Corellia Specialty Goods Vendor
- Coruscant Specialty Goods Vendor
- Dromund Kaas Specialty Goods Vendor
- Hoth Specialty Goods Vendor
- Hutta Specialty Goods Vendor
- Korriban Specialty Goods Vendor
- Nar Shaddaa Specialty Goods Vendor
- Ord Mantell Specialty Goods Vendor
- SWTOR Cartel Market - Dark Harbinger
- Taris (Empire) Specialty Goods Vendor
- Taris (Republic) Specialty Goods Vendor
- Tatooine Specialty Goods Vendor
- Tython Specialty Goods Vendor
- Voss: Interpreter's Retreat Market Vendor
- Voss Specialty Goods Vendor
SWTOR Nar Shaddaa Specialty Goods Vendor
One of the many ways to express yourself and stand out of the crowd in Star Wars: The Old Republic is through customization options and more importantly - fashion! Space Barbie is after all the real endgame.
If you need inspiration, or you want to share your awesome sense of fashion, join swtorfashion.com along with many other players. Create, share and explore SWTOR Outfit Customizations.
Get inspired by Nar Shaddaa. 8 Nar Shaddaa Class Story outfits is available at Reicovis, the Specialty Goods Vendor at the Lower Promenade Market on Nar Shaddaa. These armor pieces are cosmetics only with a dye module slot. They are also bound to Legacy and can be equipped at level 1.