Korriban Datacron Master
SWTOR Datacron Locations and Guides
- Alderaan Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Republic) Datacron Master
- Belsavis Datacron Master
- Corellia Datacron Master
- Coruscant Datacron Master
- Dromund Kaas Datacron Master
- Fleet Datacron Master
- Hoth Datacron Master
- Hutta Datacron Master
- Ilum Datacron Master
- Kessan's Landing Datacron Master
- Korriban Datacron Master
- Makeb Datacron Master
- Mek-Sha Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Datacron Master
- Onderon Datacron Master
- Ord Mantell Datacron Master
- Ossus Datacron Master
- Quesh Datacron Master
- Rishi Datacron Master
- Ruhnuk Datacron Master
- Taris (Empire) Datacron Master
- Taris (Republic) Datacron Master
- Tatooine Datacron Master
- Tython Datacron Master
- Voss Datacron Master
SWTOR Korriban Endurance Datacron Location Guide
The Endurance Datacron increases the amount of damage you can suffer by increasing your max health. It will grant you Endurance +2 to your permanent stats along with codex: Galactic History 15: Mandalore. There are 3 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Korriban.
Datacrons are collectables scattered around the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Each Datacron contributes towards your Legacy's passive stats permanently. Furthermore, they also provide interesting Lore and Codex Entries about the Old Republic era.
Starting coordinates: 133, 85.
This Datacron is located close to the Departure Shuttle used to leave Korriban.
With the Shuttle to your right, the Datacron will be on the other side of the wall to your left, where you can shimmy your way to from an overlook platform.
This will grant you Endurance +2 to your permanent stats along with the codex: Galactic History 15: Mandalore.
This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:
The gray-skinned Taung species, which clashed with humans long before the formation of the Republic, had lost none of its fearsome reputation over the years. The Taung revered conflict in all forms, relishing the chance to test themselves against powerful enemies.
While the young Republic continued to expand, the Taung also sought out and colonized many worlds. Eventually they discovered an Outer Rim planet populated by enormous, vicious beasts called mythosaurs. The Taung took the world for their own, calling it Mandalore after their leader, Mandalore the First. The mythosaurs presented little challenge to the powerful Taung; in time, mythosaur bones were used to build Mandalore's first cities.