Ilum Datacron Master
SWTOR Datacron Locations and Guides
- Alderaan Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Republic) Datacron Master
- Belsavis Datacron Master
- Corellia Datacron Master
- Coruscant Datacron Master
- Dromund Kaas Datacron Master
- Fleet Datacron Master
- Hoth Datacron Master
- Hutta Datacron Master
- Ilum Datacron Master
- Kessan's Landing Datacron Master
- Korriban Datacron Master
- Makeb Datacron Master
- Mek-Sha Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Datacron Master
- Onderon Datacron Master
- Ord Mantell Datacron Master
- Ossus Datacron Master
- Quesh Datacron Master
- Rishi Datacron Master
- Ruhnuk Datacron Master
- Taris (Empire) Datacron Master
- Taris (Republic) Datacron Master
- Tatooine Datacron Master
- Tython Datacron Master
- Voss Datacron Master
SWTOR Ilum Red Matrix Shard Location Guide
The Red Matrix Shards are remnant relics of the Infinite Empire and no longer useful. Once they were used to create your first relics at the game's launch. Now it's simply part of the Datacron Master Achievement along with codex: Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council. There are 5 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Ilum.
Datacrons are collectables scattered around the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Each Datacron contributes towards your Legacy's passive stats permanently. Furthermore, they also provide interesting Lore and Codex Entries about the Old Republic era.
Starting coordinates: 549, 548
This Datacron is located directly above the Republic Base Camp in a small hut. If you go for this on an Imperial Character, I recommend using one with stealth.
This will grant you a Red Matrix Shard, which is no longer useful, but is simply part of the Legacy achievement towards Datacron Master, along with the codex: Galactic History 85: The Purge of the Dark Council.
This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:
After the Great Hyperspace War, the Sith Emperor had successfully led his people to the sanctuary of Dromund Kaas. Having re-established the Empire there, he slowly withdrew from public life, leaving the Empire's administration to his Dark Council.
At first the Dark Council was subservient to the Emperor. But as centuries passed and the Emperor remained withdrawn, the Dark Council became more independent, believing he was weakening. When the council discovered the Emperor was planning to invade the Republic, there was angry dissent. Naga Sadow's failed invasion of the Republic a millennium before had almost destroyed the Empire; some believed it would be madness to repeat his mistake.
Several of the Dark Council's members decided to depose the Emperor before he led them to destruction. But the Emperor learned of their intentions and the entire Dark Council, loyalists and dissenters alike, was purged. The price of disobedience made clear, a new council was chosen and the Emperor's plans proceeded.