- SWTOR 7.0 Optimization of Unmoddable Gear
- SWTOR Galactic Season 2 - Week 10 Objectives
- Week 1
- Week 1.
- Week 2
- Week 2.
- Week 3
- Week 3.
- Week 4
- Week 4.
- Week 5
- Week 5.
- Week 6
- Week 6.
- Week 7
- Week 7.
- Week 8
- Week 8.
- Week 9
- Week 9.
- Week 10
- Week 10.
- Week 11
- Week 11 Objectives
- Week 11.
- Week 12
- Week 12 Objectives
- Week 12.
- Week 13
- Week 13 Objectives
- Week 13.
- Week 14
- Week 14 Objectives
- Week 14.
- Week 15
- Week 15 Objectives
- Week 15.
- Week 16
- Week 16 Objectives
- Week 16.
- Week 17
- Week 17 Objectives
- Week 17.
- Week 18
- Week 18 Objectives
- Week 18.
- Week 19
- Week 19 Objectives
- Week 19.
- Week 20
- Week 20 Objectives
- Week 20.
SWTOR Galactic Season 5 - Week 9
Week 5 (October 31st - November 6th).
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Galactic Season 5 "Confidence in Power" gives players the opportunity to earn rewards through two different reward tracks - a Free-To-Play Reward Track and a Subscriber Reward Track. The way to earn these new rewards is by completing simple Daily and Weekly Objectives, which will be different per weekly rotation.
For more information on changes, lists of new Rewards and previews on swtor.com!
Daily Objective
Influencing the Galaxy
Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Daily Objective can be repeated once a day on any character. The Daily Objective is the same in all Weekly Rotations.
Weekly Objectives
Complete any 7/11
March Across the Galaxy
Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Planting the Darkness
Turn in Dark Spores to 3V-1L in the Combat Training area on the Fleet to earn Reputation with Lord Umbral's Top Secret Army.
I Have Your Back
Defeat non-player enemies across the Galaxy with any Companion in a Damage Role.
This does not progress through Warzones, Galactic Starfighter, Flashpoints or Operations.
Ace of the Armada
Board your Personal Ship and complete 3 Space Missions.
The easiest ones to complete are Fondor Escort for Republic Players and Jabiim Escort for Imperial Players.
Seeking Artifacts
Uncover artifacts and other lost treasures with a Seeker Droid on:
- Alderaan
- Tatooine
- Hoth
- Makeb
You can obtain a Seeker Droid from the "Seeker Droid Missions" droid on the Fleet near the North Elevator.
Seat of the Empire
Complete Repeatable, Exploration or Bonus Missions while defeating 100 enemies on the following planets:
- Taris
- Oricon
- Yavin 4
- Ziost
- Dantooine
Enable the "Show Exploration Missions" in the lower left corner of your map above the Galaxy Map to be able to interact with Exploration Missions across the Galaxy.
Sparks of War
Defeat Republic or Imperial Guard Droids and Turrets of Champion difficulty across Alderaan and Corellia.
Heading the Frontline
Complete Warzone matches. Earn double progress from wins.
Forging Darkness
Assemble materials into:
- War Supplies: Invasion Forces
- Dark Project MK-1s
Complete Chapter III: "Outlander" of the Knights of the Fallen Empire expansion on Veteran Mode or harder.
This requires a Subscription to access the Knights of the Eternal Empire or had one prior.
The Eternal Champion
Complete all 10 rounds of Mayhem at the Arena Grand on Zakuul.
This requires a Subscription to access the Knights of the Fallen Empire or had one prior.