Droid Recon
- Alderaan: Droid Reconnaissance
- Balmorra: Droid Reconnaissance (Empire)
- Balmorra: Droid Reconnaissance (Republic)
- Belsavis: Droid Reconnaissance
- Corellia: Droid Reconnaissance
- Coruscant: Droid Reconnaissance
- Dromund Kaas: Droid Reconnaissance
- Hoth: Droid Reconnaissance
- Hutta: Droid Reconnaissance
- Ilum: Droid Reconnaissance
- Korriban: Droid Reconnaissance
- Makeb: Droid Reconnaissance
- Nar Shaddaa: Droid Reconnaissance (Empire)
- Nar Shaddaa: Droid Reconnaissance (Republic)
- Ord Mantell: Droid Reconnaissance
- Quesh: Droid Reconnaissance
- Taris: Droid Reconnaissance (Empire)
- Taris: Droid Reconnaissance (Republic)
- Tatooine: Droid Reconnaissance
- Tython: Droid Reconnaissance
- Voss: Droid Reconnaissance
SWTOR Dromund Kaas Droid Recon Location Guide
This guide will show the locations of all six MCR-99 Recon Droids on Dromund Kaas using the Macrobinoculars from the Macrobinocular Mission where you have to find the Shroud.
Find the hidden Recon Droids scattered all over the galaxy to complete "The Droids You're Looking For" achievement. To earn the MCR-100 Miniprobe Pet you must complete all of the Faction specific planets on that Character. You must repeat this on all the characters you wish to unlock the pet on.
Outpost Tempest
This Recon Droid is located next to the massive lightning rod tower that can be seen from Outpost Tempest.
Riverfall Wilds
Kaas City
This Recon Droid is located at a landing platform in the east of Kaas City that can be seen from Imperial Intelligence Entrance at the Imperial Citadel.
Grathan's Estate
Dark Temple Approach
This Recon Droid is located above one of the cranes in the Kaas City Expansion District overlooking the Mercenary Landing Sith Heroic Area below.
The Dark Temple
This Recon Droid is located directly above The Dark Temple. It is so far away you most likely will not be able to see it until you use the Binoculars to detect it. Detection is indicated by the focus turning orange.