SWTOR Beastmaster of Tython Location Guide

To complete the "Beastmaster of Tython" achievement you must find six bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.

The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Locations > Tython > Exploration.

Listed in alphabetic order:


To get the Guid lore object, you have to defeat a Greater Guid, found in the area north of the Ruins of Kaleth, where you also pick up the Flesh Raider Baby mission.


To get the Horranth lore object, you have to defeat a Horranth Matriarch, found in the area leading towards the Forge, close to where you find the Endurance Datacron.

Manka Cat

To get the Manka Cat lore object, you have to complete a Side Quest called "Pilgrim Medicine" in the Hollows in the Flesh Raider Territory.
Note: You have enable "Show Exploration Missions" to be able to pick up the Side Quest.

Tythonian War Droid

To get the Tythonain War Droid lore object, you have to defeat a Tythonian Seeker, found in the area of the Ruins of Kaleth.


To get the Uxibeast lore object, you simply have to approach a Young Uxibeast roaming close to the Gnarls Outpost.


To get the Wingmaw lore object, you have to defeat a Wingmaw Bonecleaner, found in the area of the Hollows in the Flesh Raider Territory.

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