SWTOR Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas Location Guide

To complete the "Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas" achievement you must find five bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.


To get the Gundark lore object, you have to defeat a Gundark Lifetaker, found down the small path south from the Dromund Kaas Spaceport towards the Presence Datacron.


To get the Jurgoran lore object, you have to defeat a Champion named Howler, found just outside the Kaas City walls. If you are a new player, this might be a tough fight, so I recommend bringing a friend.


To get the Sleen lore object, you have to defeat a Lethargic Sleen, found in the area north of the Wall, north of Lord Grathan's Estate. It's in the same area as the Vine Cat.

Vine Cat

To get the Vine Cat lore object, you have to defeat a Savage Vine Cat, found in the area north of the Wall, north of Lord Grathan's Estate. It's in the same area as the Sleen.


To get the Yorzusk lore object, you have to defeat the Champion Yorzusk Platesmasher, found in the area east of Lord Grathan's Estate. It's in the same loation as the Yellow Matrix Shard. This is a tough Champion to defeat solo, but it is doable. I would recommend bringing a friend though. Defeating the Yozusk Platesmasher is also part of the Tyrant of Dromund Kaas achievement.

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