Galactic Beastmaster Achievement
- Beastmaster of Alderaan
- Beastmaster of Balmorra
- Beastmaster of Belsavis
- Beastmaster of Coruscant
- Beastmaster of Dromund Kaas
- Beastmaster of Hoth
- Beastmaster of Hutta
- Beastmaster of Korriban
- Beastmaster of Makeb
- Beastmaster of Nar Shaddaa
- Beastmaster of Ord Mantell
- Beastmaster of Quesh
- Beastmaster of Rishi
- Beastmaster of Taris
- Beastmaster of Tatooine
- Beastmaster of Tython
- Beastmaster of Voss
SWTOR Beastmaster of Belsavis Location Guide
To complete the "Beastmaster of Belsavis" achievement you must find six bestiary lore objects. This written guide will show you where to locate each lore object.

The Achievement can be found in your Legacy (Y) > Locations > Belsavis > Exploration.
Listed in alphabetic order: