Alderaan Datacron Master
SWTOR Datacron Locations and Guides
- Alderaan Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Empire) Datacron Master
- Balmorra (Republic) Datacron Master
- Belsavis Datacron Master
- Corellia Datacron Master
- Coruscant Datacron Master
- Dromund Kaas Datacron Master
- Fleet Datacron Master
- Hoth Datacron Master
- Hutta Datacron Master
- Ilum Datacron Master
- Kessan's Landing Datacron Master
- Korriban Datacron Master
- Makeb Datacron Master
- Mek-Sha Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Empire) Datacron Master
- Nar Shaddaa (Republic) Datacron Master
- Onderon Datacron Master
- Ord Mantell Datacron Master
- Ossus Datacron Master
- Quesh Datacron Master
- Rishi Datacron Master
- Ruhnuk Datacron Master
- Taris (Empire) Datacron Master
- Taris (Republic) Datacron Master
- Tatooine Datacron Master
- Tython Datacron Master
- Voss Datacron Master
SWTOR Alderaan Presence Datacron Location Guide

The Presence Datacron increases the effectiveness of your companion. It will grant you Presence +3 to your permanent stats along with codex: Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult. There are 5 Datacrons in total located on the planet of Alderaan.
Datacrons are collectables scattered around the galaxy in Star Wars: The Old Republic. Each Datacron contributes towards your Legacy's passive stats permanently. Furthermore, they also provide interesting Lore and Codex Entries about the Old Republic era.
Starting coordinates: -409, 214.
The Presence Datacron is located in a Thranta nest below the ruins of the Elysium in The Glarus Valley that can only be reached by riding the Thranta below, which will also give you the Thranta Codex Entry for the Beastmaster of Alderaan achievement.

Just enjoy the ride until it lands you at the nest.

This will grant you Presence +3 to your permanent stats along with codex: Galactic History 45: The Krath Cult.
This datacron holds unheard of power and knowledge collected by an ancient race. You access its power and discover writings which are clearly only one small piece of a massive galactic history:
As the Jedi know only too well, evil can arise from the most unlikely of sources. In the years after the Great Droid Revolution, two aristocrats, Satal Keto and his cousin Aleema, came to power in the Empress Teta system. Bored and spoiled, they became interested in the secrets of the Sith. They and their friends formed a Sith cult named Krath.
But Satal and Aleema began to crave real power. During a visit to the Galactic Museum on Coruscant, they spotted a book of ancient Sith lore and rituals and decided to steal it.
Once they had the book, they realized it was written in a long-forgotten Sith language. But Satal learned of the planet Onderon, once ruled by the Sith Lord Freedon Nadd, and the cousins left to unlock the book's secrets there.