- SWTOR 7.0 Optimization of Unmoddable Gear
- SWTOR Galactic Season 2 - Week 10 Objectives
- Week 1
- Week 1.
- Week 2
- Week 2.
- Week 3
- Week 3.
- Week 4
- Week 4.
- Week 5
- Week 5.
- Week 6
- Week 6.
- Week 7
- Week 7.
- Week 8
- Week 8.
- Week 9
- Week 9.
- Week 10
- Week 10.
- Week 11
- Week 11 Objectives
- Week 11.
- Week 12
- Week 12 Objectives
- Week 12.
- Week 13
- Week 13 Objectives
- Week 13.
- Week 14
- Week 14 Objectives
- Week 14.
- Week 15
- Week 15 Objectives
- Week 15.
- Week 16
- Week 16 Objectives
- Week 16.
- Week 17
- Week 17 Objectives
- Week 17.
- Week 18
- Week 18 Objectives
- Week 18.
- Week 19
- Week 19 Objectives
- Week 19.
- Week 20
- Week 20 Objectives
- Week 20.
SWTOR Galactic Season 2 - Week 15 Objectives
Star Wars: The Old Republic's Galactic Season 2 "Shadows of the Underworld" gives players the opportunity to earn rewards through two different reward tracks - a Free Reward Track and a Subscriber Reward Track. They way to earn these new rewards is by completing simple Daily and Weekly Objectives, which will be different per week that is in rotation.
This is Week 15 May 24th - 31st 2022.
Daily Objective
Influencing the Galaxy
Earn 25,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Daily Objective can be repeated once a day on any character. The Daily Objective is the same in all Week Rotations.
Weekly Objectives
March Across the Galaxy
Earn 200,000 Personal Conquest Points across your Legacy.
Mutual Beneficiary
Turn in Underworld Syndicate Plans to Qi'us Dnar on the Lower Promenade of Nar Shaddaa to earn Reputation with the Shadow Syndicate.
Infiltrating the Competition
Obtain Underworld Syndicate Plans by completing various Objectives, or defeating enemies across the Galaxy.
- Galactic Season Objectives
- Flashpoints
- Uprisings
- 8-16 Player Operations
- Lair Bosses
- Defeating Enemies on Corellia, Makeb, Mek-Sha, Nar Shaddaa, Quesh, Rishi, Taris and Tatooine
This Will Do Nicely
Affect enemies with destructible pipes, tanks, canisters and capacitors found throughout the Galaxy.
These are easily found in Flashpoints and [HEROIC] instances.
GSI Valued Partner
Complete the [WEEKLY] GSI Valued Partner Initiative that can be acquired on:
- Nar Shaddaa
- Tatooine
- Alderaan
- Makeb
Requires starting or completing the Seeker Mission that can be picked up on the Fleet outside the Cartel Bazaar elevator.
Reaches of Unknown and Wild Space
Complete Repeatable, Exploration or Bonus Missions on:
- CZ-198
- Ilum
- Iokath
- Zakuul
Enable the "Show Exploration Missions" in the lower left corner of your map above the Galaxy Map to be able to interact with Exploration Missions across the Galaxy.
Sparks of War
Defeat Republic and Imperial Guard Droids and Turrets of Champion difficulty across Alderaan and Corellia.
Heading the Frontline
Complete Unranked Warzone matches. Earn double points from won matches.
Forging Darkness
Assemble materials into War Supplies:
- Invasion Forces
- Dark Project MK-1
Lair of the Mountain Queen
Defeat Lair Bosses.
Earn bonus points for defeating the Mutated Geonosian Queen on any difficulty (Onslaught Expansion required)